Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 Hour Famine

I'm so excited about this weekend!
Every year we do a 30 Hour Famine at my church and it's always so much fun!
We start Friday after breakfast, go to school (which is going to be really hard!), and then go to the church that night and end Saturday at lunch. So basically we don't eat from 7 Friday morning until 1 Saturday! We always have great devotions, music and lots of fun games! We play a giant game of hide and seek in the dark which is my all time favorite!
The best part is that we're learning to "love hungry" and raising money to fight world hunger.
This year is supposed to be the best yet and I cannot wait!

Annnndd, I'm so excited I'm up to 42 followers! I have some exciting news when I get to 50! :)